
Destigmatizing Detox


Toxic is a word that continues to pop up in our culture. Toxic chemicals, toxic waste. Even toxic relationships. We are becoming exposed to more and more toxins in our everyday life. Once meant to be helpful and not intentionally dangerous, we are now learning of the alarming effects these chemicals [...]

Destigmatizing Detox2021-07-19T21:28:29-05:00

The Silent Killer: Menopause and Heart Disease 


Heart disease is something that all of us face. As we age, our risk naturally increases. However, symptoms are becoming more apparent in postmenopausal women. To be clear, menopause does not cause cardiovascular diseases. Yet, a combination of lifestyle choices, family history, and unhealthy habits paired with menopause can cause certain [...]

The Silent Killer: Menopause and Heart Disease 2021-07-19T21:32:09-05:00

Low-Carb Diets and Birth Defects: Fact or Myth?


Many people follow low-carb diets for certain benefits such as weight-loss and the improvement of certain conditions such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Lately, there have been a lot of health and nutrition articles about the effects of low-carb diets during pregnancy. A recent study [...]

Low-Carb Diets and Birth Defects: Fact or Myth?2021-07-20T18:55:16-05:00

Spilling the Tea: L-theanine and Anxiety


Anxiety seemed to be the buzzword of 2018. It became less stigmatized as more and more people began talking about it. Anxiety, social anxiety disorders, and depression are often treated with antidepressants. But the side effects aren’t always manageable. More and more people are looking for more safe and natural [...]

Spilling the Tea: L-theanine and Anxiety2021-07-20T19:01:44-05:00

Everyday Tips to Reduce Inflammation


Everyday tips to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is a part of the body’s natural defense. When a cut swells up and turns red, that’s your body starting the process of healing. But sometimes, our natural response goes into overdrive. This overdrive is caused by a number of factors such as poor [...]

Everyday Tips to Reduce Inflammation2021-07-20T19:21:36-05:00

The Benefits of Juicing


The benefits of juicing. Let’s be honest. Sometimes being healthy is really hard. Not all of us can be kale loving yogis who only drink water and green tea. Enter the juicing craze. New Juice bars are popping up on every corner. More and more people are buying juicers to [...]

The Benefits of Juicing2021-07-20T19:20:17-05:00

The Blood Sugar Solution


The blood sugar solution. Blood sugar, or blood glucose, is the main kind of sugar found in the blood. Our bodies get glucose from the foods we eat. This sugar is an important energy source. And also provides nutrients to our organs, muscles, and nervous system. The absorption, storage, and [...]

The Blood Sugar Solution2021-07-20T20:09:24-05:00
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