Resetting Our Health. According to research done by Mayo Clinic, it has been found that nearly 70 percent of Americans are at least one prescription drug. Nearly 50% take two. And close to 25% are on five or more prescription medications. I’ll let you swallow that pill again…close to 25% of Americans are taking five or more prescription medications every single day. We live in a time where health is continually talked about. Celebrities sponsor teas, resistance bands, magic diet pills, and recipe books. YouTube fitness influencers take us through extreme challenges and live workouts. Doctors have their own talk shows, are guests on podcasts, and some even have successful social media accounts in which they share their tips and tricks to getting healthy. In this 21st century so focused on health, I want to raise one question. Why is it that we are the unhealthiest we have ever been? And why is our life expectancy starting to decline (as suggested by The British Medical Journal, ABC News, Reuters Health, and The Washington Post)?

The Core of the Issue…

To put it simply, we have become a culture of pill-pushing and band-aid adhering. We take notice of our symptoms, rush to treat them and move onto the next thing without any more thought. We have stopped asking “Why?” and we have stopped looking into the root causes of our illnesses. Instead, we have turned to treat surface symptoms, hoping for the best. Natural, alternative medicines aren’t any better, as there seems to be an herb or supplement for everything these days.

Resetting Our Health

Health doesn’t have to be complex and confusing. Nor does it need to include pills, contraptions, or fancy trend diets. All it really takes is a commitment. A commitment to choosing your health every single day – especially when you’re tired and don’t want to. This commitment starts with resetting our health. Don’t worry, while resetting does set our body up for efficient, natural cleansing, no harsh detoxes will be involved!

We Aren’t Well…

Speaking truthfully, there are many of us that are simply unhealthy. When we are in this state of “unwell”, our bodies tend to go into autopilot. We tune out from how we feel, allowing discomfort to begin to feel “normal”. Or we zoom our focus on one thing that is wrong and fixate on that. Resetting our health puts the power of change back into our own hands. We are able to move past this current state of “DIS-ease” and move into optimal bodies of health.

The 5Rs

In the Holistic Truth Magazine, Dr. Tracey Stroup outlines her process in resetting her patients’ health through a system of 5Rs:

  1. Reset: Prepping the body for what’s to come
  2. Removal: of toxins built up in the body
  3. Rebuild: systems through nutrition, action, emotional, and spiritual wellness
  4. Recharge: the mind, immune system, and adrenals
  5. Repeat: the process as many times as necessary until the body is restored to an optimal state of wellness

Phase One

In this first resetting phase, we are preparing our bodies for the changes to come. Talk to your Dr. or trusted health care professional about your health history. Review the medications you’ve taken, your constant discomforts and pains, and surgeries you’ve undergone. Get in tune with your wellness meter and be truthful about where you are. There are always things we can handle, however with health, there may simply be things your body isn’t ready for just yet. Together, you should collaborate and learn why the choices you’ve made thus far have gotten you where you are now. And also begin to explore what choices can lead you to your optimal health future.

The Benefits

There are so many benefits in this first phase of the 5R system. First, resetting allows your body the time it needs to acquire proper nutrition. It also helps you get into the habit of taking care of the body. You’ll learn to tune into how you feel and be able to identify signals and reactions to specific choices. Remember, we tend to go into autopilot when we are in a constant state of unwell. Resetting gets you back in control.

You will most likely feel great during this first reset phase. Resetting allows for your body to optimize nutrient accumulation. It also fuels the processes of assimilation and detoxification. Your cells will be more hydrated. Movement will be easier. Your sleep will be better. And you may even manage stress more efficiently and effectively. Resetting is the ultimate empowerment you can give your body. It allows you to understand how you got sick in the first place. And helps you find your way back to optimal health.

Unhealthy Us in an Unhealthy Environment

When you think about it, it’s not hard to acknowledge that our environment plays a factor in our health. We are continually bombarded with toxins. Toxic thoughts, feelings, and relationships. Toxic pesticides, processed foods, and contaminated water. It’s no wonder we have become so sick. From mental to spiritual to physical to emotional, no part of our being is immune. Health is a cycle, and it is only through breaking bad habits and choosing the right choices that will we begin to get ourselves on the path of optimal health. Create an environment in which health is the priority through hydration, nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress management. Continually choosing these choices day after day will help your body get out of “DIS-ease” and back to feeling the way it should, ready for anything life throws at it!

The Foundations of Health

In the coming weeks, we will cover the 5Rs in more detail. And we will discover how to build a solid foundation in which to grow. This foundation is built upon 6 components; nutrition, hydration, movement, sleep, elimination, and emotional wellness. “You cannot build your health on quicksand. Eventually, it will sink regardless of how many supplements you take. The foundation is the most important part, giving support to the entire structure”, says Dr. Stroup.

Let Zock Family Chiropractic Help You Begin Resetting Your Health!

Chiropractic care is focused on allowing our spine and nerves to work to their potential. This results in not only allowing our organs to function but for them to function to their best ability. Dr. Zock would love to discuss your concerns in regard to resetting your health. Her vast knowledge of natural supplementation and body processes make her a great guide in helping you make the best choices for your body. Make an appointment in Cranberry today to schedule an introductory chiropractic treatment session. We can discuss your pains and needs as part of my initial chiropractic workup for you as a new patient to our practice!

* This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please contact a medical professional for advice.

Make An Appointment

At Zock Family Chiropractic we are here to help you and are happy to process your appointment request by email if that is your preference.  Please indicate if you need Chiropractic care or are scheduling a massage appointment in your request and we will get back to you within one business day of receiving your request.

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