Newborn Chiropractic and Pediatrics

Zock Family Chiropractic care treats infants through tweens

Newborn Chiroprctic Care

It is natural for parents to fear the Chiropractor for their babies. Most people in Western Pennsylvania believe that getting a chiropractic adjustment can mean a lot of pressure and cracking. This fear is no longer the case – even for adults. At Zock Family Chiropractic, we use a variety of techniques for adults and children.

Newborn chiropractic care – what is its use?

We do not take the same approach of adjustments for babies that we take for adults. Instead, adjustments for infants are gentle and many times are unnoticed by the baby.

Newborn Chiropractic care can help relieve the following:

  • Ear infections and earaches
  • Colic and acid reflux
  • Torticollis – or what grandma called a crick in the neck
  • Feeding and breastfeeding/latching issues

Newborn chiropractic care for babies keeps children healthier because their nervous system and immune system are both supported. If you are concerned about whether you should take your child to a Chiropractor,  then you should talk to your child’s Pediatrician. Most pediatricians agree with newborn chiropractic care or at least recognize there are minimal risks involved with Chiropractic care.

Zock newborn chiropractic care

Newborn chiropractic care is gentle – not harsh

As a parent, you might worry that if you take your baby to a chiropractor that someone will start pressing down hard on your child’s delicate back. Seeing someone working on the back of your baby without understanding the process could trigger your protective instincts. The practice of newborn chiropractic care involves using a very gentle type of treatment that carefully manipulates your baby’s spine without causing injury or harm.

At Zock Family Chiropractic, we use specialized adjustment instruments.  We work mildly and soothingly. And we target specific areas along your baby’s spine that appear abnormal. We will not treat the cause of your child’s health problems. But we will directly help reduce the stress posed by a misaligned spinal column. This treatment allows your baby’s body to function properly and heal more quickly. And as a young mother herself, Dr. Zock is a great resource for being able to talk to another mom with young children who have experienced the same fears and doubts that all mothers have regarding their newborns.

What about older children?

It seems that today kids are not getting the same amount of exercise that we did when we were growing up, and children as young as two are using smart ones and tablets.  It is easy for kids who love electronics to form horrible posture at a very early age.  Chiropractic care for children can help minimize these effects, and prevent your child from becoming hunchbacks at a very young age.

Help Prevent Text Neck

Text neck is the term used to describe the neck pain and other damage sustained from looking down at your devices. When holding your head in this position, excessive amounts of tension are created in the deep muscles of your neck and across the shoulders. As a result, they cause both acute and chronic neck pain. Chronic headaches have also been linked to this condition.

The increased prevalence of these pains is due to the increasing popularity and hours people spend on handheld devices such as smartphones, e-readers, and tablets. But we can’t just blame technology. For years, we’ve all looked down to read. The problem with texting is that it adds one more activity that causes us to look down. And people tend to do it for much longer periods. It is especially concerning because young, growing children could possibly cause permanent damage to their cervical spines that could lead to lifelong neck pain.

Why not bring your newborn, child, or tween into Dr. Zock contact our office to set up an appointment.

Make An Appointment

At Zock Family Chiropractic we are here to help you and are happy to process your appointment request by email if that is your preference.  Please indicate if you need Chiropractic care or are scheduling a massage appointment in your request and we will get back to you within one business day of receiving your request.

Dr Zock Contact Form